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See the overview of the scientific articles where the Nisco’s encapsulation units have been applied.

Unit type Application Article name Autor/Organisation Published
VAR D Multi-particulate drug delivery system produced by prilling technique in combination with an enteric coating. Prilling for the development of multi-particulate colon drug delivery systems: Pectin vs. pectin–alginate beads Giulia Auriemma, Teresa Mencherini, Paola Russo, Mariateresa Stigliani, Rita P. Aquino, Pasquale Del Gaudio; Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Salerno, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2013) 367– 373
VAR D Design of a versatile undergraduate food processing laboratory to enhance the engineering undergraduate experience. Designing an undergraduate food processing laboratory for the University of Waterloo Yung P. Lai, Kyung E. K. Sun, Hiroki Takamura, Christine Moresoli, and Marc Aucoin; Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo CEEA13; Paper 161 Montreal, QC; June 17-20, 2013
VAR D New method to produce microcapsules 300 to 700 µm Development of a new technique to generate microcapsules from the breakup of non-Newtonian highly visous jets C. Rodriges-Rivero, E. M. M. Del Valle, M. A. Galan/ American Institute of Chemical Engineeres AIChE J, 2011
VAR D Identification of conserved DNA fragments in poorly characterized DNA samples Novel method for high-throughput colony PCR screening in nanoliter-reactors Marcel Walser, Rene Pellaux, Andreas Weyer, Matthias Bechtold, Herve Vanderschuren, Richard Reinhardt, Joseph Magyar, Sven Panke and Martin Held /ETH Zürich, Institute of Process Engineering, BioProcess Laboratory; ETH Zürich, Institute of Plant Science, Plant Biotechnology; Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Analytics and Computing, Berlin, Germany; Harlan Laboratories Ltd, Environmental Safety and Metabolism, Itingen, Switzerland Nucleic Acids Research, 2009, Vol. 37, No. 8
VAR D Investigating release profiles of drugs by prilling Encapsulation of Ketoprofen and Ketoprofen Lysinate by prilling for controlled drug release Pasquale Del Gaudio, Paola Russo, Maria Rosaria Lauro, Paolo Colombo and Rita P. Aquino AAPS PharmSciTech /Springer New York/ Volume 10, Number 4/December 2009, S. 1178-1185
VAR D Studing the effects of polymer concentration, viscosity and flow rate on the characteristics of beads Mechnisms of formation and disintegration of alginate beads obtained by prilling Pasquale Del Gaudio, Paolo Colombo, Gaia Colombo, Paola Russo and Fabio Sonvico / Department of Pharmacy, University of Parma, Italy International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 302, Issues 1-2, 30 September 2005, Pages 1-9
VAR D Examining the adsorption behaviour and mechanisms of Chitosan hydrogel beads Adsorption of lead and humic acid on chitosan hydrogel beads W. L. Yan, Renbi Bai /Department of Chemical and Biomalecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore Water Research 39 (2005) 688-698
VAR E Encapsulation of the whole-cell biocatalist Immobilization of a whole-cell epoxidehydrolyzing biocatalyst in sodium alginate cellulose sulfate-poly(methylene-co-guanidine) capsules using a controlled encapsulation process Marek Bucko, Alica Vikartovska, Igor Lacik, Gabriea Kollarikova, Peter Gemeiner, Vladimir Patoprsty and Michal Brygin / Instutute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; Department of Biochemical Technologx, Faculty of Chemicsl and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia Enzyme and Microbial Technologa, Volume 36, Issue 1, 6 January 2005, Pages 118-126
VAR D Lead adsorption Novel Chitason-cellulose hydrogel absorbents for lead adsorption Nan Li and Renbi Bai / Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National Insitut of Singapore AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
VAR D Production of monodisperse beads under the influence of vibration /Production at a larger scale by the prilling Preparation and characterization of chitosan micro networks: Transposition to a prilling process L. Martinez, F. Agnely, R. Bettini, M. Besnard, P. Colombo, G. Coarraze /Laboratoir de Physique Pharmaceutique UMR CNRS, Facultè de Pharmacie de l'Iniversité Paris-Sud, France / Dipartimento Farmaceutico, Facolta di Farmacia, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Italy Wiley Interscience, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 93 Issue 6, Pages 2550-2558, published 7 July 2004
VAR E Encapsulation of the whole-cell biocatalist (Nocardia tartaniricans) Bioencapsulation of whole cells with cis-epxysuccinate hydrolase activity in sodium alginate-cellulose sulfate- poly (methilene-co-guanide) capsels using highly controlled immobilisation process   M. Bucko1, A. Vikartovska1, I. Lacik2, G. Kollarikova2, P. Gemeiner1, V. Patoprsty1, M. Brygin3 and J. Nahalka1 / 1 Instutute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; 2 Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; 3 Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Session 1: Chem. Ind. 58 (6a) 33-35 (2004)
VAR E Immobilization of bacterisl cells had a positive effect on the activity, storage stability, yield and time of bioconversion Flow-Calorimetry- A useful tool for Determination of immobilized cis-Epoxysuccinate Hydrolsase Activity from Nocardia tartaricans Alica Vikartovska, Marek Bucko, Dr. Peter Geneiner, Jozef Nahalka, Vladimir Patoprsty and Eva Hhabarova / Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Solcak Rebublic Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology 2004, Vol 32, No 1, Pages 77-89
VAR D Effective removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution Mechanisms of lead adsorption on Chotosan/PVA hydrogel beads W. Li Jin, Renbi Bai /Department of Chemical and Biomalecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore Langmuir 2002,18, 9765-9770
VAR E Technique for the large-scale synthesis of oligosaccharides Nucleoside triphosphates production usig recombinant Escherichia coli entrapped in calcium pectae gel Jozef Nahalka, Ziye Liu, Perer Gemeiner and Peng George Wang / Department of Chemistry, Wayne State Universkity, Detroit, Michigan, USA; Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Repablic Biotechnology Letters, Volume 24, Number 22/ Juni 2002



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