International Contacts
Brazil: Mr. Robson Ferreira BIOVERA phone: +21 2290 2828; E-mail: | |
Chile, Mr. Juan Aguilera, Tecnologías Integradas AGSENS phone: +56 2 26950836; E-mail: |
China, Mr. Gordon Leae, Equl Inc., phone: +86-21-22817530; alternative Tel. +86 21 64280805; E-mail: |
Colombia: Mrs. Viviana Becerra H., Biopetrolabs de Colombia Ltda. phone: +900 428 481 2; E-mail: |
Ecuador: CESAR VASCONEZ IMPORTACIONES Isla Fernandina 511 y Av. Tomás de Berlanga QUITO-ECUADOR phone:+59322452578 or +593984587766 E-Mail: |
France, Mr. Mohsen Dahesh PhD, Linkedin phone: +33 / 621 209 635; E-mail: |
Iran, Sorry, for the time being, we don’t export to Iran. | |
Israel, Mr. Moshe Shmilovitz, Tetra Sense Scientific Tools Ltd., phone: +972 04627 27 20; E-mail: | |
Italy, Mr. Ricardo Cossi, Qi srl., Phone: +39 06/9105461; E-mail: | |
Korea (South), Mr. Lee Duyong, Pharma Line Inc. phone: +82 31 5055207; E-mail: |
Malaysia, Mr. Kenny Lee, QE Design Systems, phone: +603 91310018; E-mail: |
Portugal, Mr. Joaquim Ribeiro, Rotoquimica Lda., phone: +351 229 388 811, E-mail: |
Serbia, Mr. Djordje Zekovic PhD, Hemiferm Zekovic D.O.O, or ++381 63 827 64 15, E-mail: |
Singapore, Mr. James Ong, Raffles Bioscience Pte Ltd., phone: +65 6779 93 83; E-mail: |
Spain, Marian Guàrdia, Scharlab, S.L., Technical Helpdesk (Nisco Products in Spain) Phone: +34 93 745 64 00; E-mail: |
Taiwan, Mr. Chris Lin, Sunway Scientific Corporation, phone: +886 227 71 83 37; E-mail: |
Turkey, Mr. Erol Cetinakdogan, Tekinis Teknolojik Sistemler Ltd. phone: +90 312 21 207 17; E-mail: |
UK & Ireland, Mr James Tyzack, A J Tyzack & Co. Ltd phone: +44 1625 574111; E-mail: |
USA & Canada, Mr. David Mines, Inotech Bioscience, LLC phone: +1 301 670 28 50; mob. +1 240 447 54 36 E-mail: |